Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Be Encouraged

Okay, i don't have to really think that deep before i know what i want to blog about today. Have you ever woken up and had those feeling of: hmm today is really going to be a hectic day and you started bracing yourself for what ever will come. Well that was the type of day i had yesterday.

I woke up feeling really tired even though i have been sleeping for like six hours( actually maybe less because i have a six months old). I managed to drag myself up from the bed to get my son ready for school and i  just made sure i went through the whole day not feeling like myself. I had to continue attending to my kids despite the fact that i myself needs attention. my priority those moments are my kids

Enough of my story, what i am driving at is that, as parents, no mater how you feel, the little kids that we have do not stop demanding your attention or what they need from you. and its not really easy especially if you have more than one like myself.

And that is where self encouragement comes in, for that fact that no one is around to be a source of energy, that is the more reason why you should push on, encouraging and believing in yourself every step of the way.

 Its actually easy for others to give you words of encouragement at the moment that you need it without checking back to see how you actually did. but if you are the one guiding yourself on, at the end of it all when you realized that you have scaled through, you will be able to give yourself a pat on the back because you understand where you are coming from.

likewise we should apply this type of method not only to taking care of our kids or doing house chores but to those big projects that you have to face and accomplish during your down times.
Always remember that down times are not forever, its just but for a moment.

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